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    NCDV Sets New Pro Bono Record for Helping Domestic Abuse Victims

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    NCDV Sets New Pro Bono Record for Helping Domestic Abuse Victims


    NCDV, the Guildford-based National Centre for Domestic Violence, reports that it has helped, free of charge (pro bono), 4100 victims of domestic violence in England during 2020.

    The number is more than 50% higher than the previous record set in 2019 when the organisation helped 3000 victims pro bono. 2018’s figure was 2,000.

    NCDV is by far the largest organisation that provide a free legal support service of this kind. Mark Groves, chief executive, commenting on the figures, said:

    “Without the extraordinary dedication of our pro bono team many thousands of victims would not get the legal support they need and deserve.”

    “We make no charge whatsoever to any of the victims who call us. But those callers who cannot afford a solicitor or who cannot get legal aid funding quickly still need to get vital legal protection in place.”

    “It is when these victims find they don’t qualify for legal aid and simply cannot afford a solicitor that we can step in and help them pro bono”

    Every month NCDV receives about 8000 calls from people suffering from, or at severe risk of, domestic abuse, including controlling behaviour. Most of these callers, though by no means at all, are women who have been referred by the police and other domestic abuse support agencies.

    NCDV’s ability to help victims secure civil law Non Molestation Orders quickly is an extremely effective counter to domestic abuse: if abusers breach the terms of the Order it constitutes a criminal law offence punishable by up to five years in prison.

    Groves concluded:

    “Many callers are in financial distress as well as suffering from abuse and many will fail to qualify for full funding, due to the very strict criteria governing the allocation of legal aid. One victim was recently asked to make a personal contribution of £247,000! “

    “The net result is that many victims will go without who cannot afford to pay for their own legal protection or who are not referred to NCDV.”

    “Our pro bono work is still a minor, but nonetheless significant step towards the long-term goal of making domestic abuse and violence socially unacceptable.”

    2020 Pro Bono Victim comment (anonymised to protect identity)

    “The team at NCDV have been so amazingly helpful during a particularly difficult time. I was feeling lost and did not know where to turn next but they gave me genuinely useful advice and guided me through the process of taking legal action when it all felt so overwhelming.”

    “Every team member I’ve spoken to seems to really care and whenever they have said they would do something it has been done with the highest level of professionalism and urgency. I’m so very grateful.”

    To submit a referral or to learn more about a non-molestation order, please click here.

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    By Fiona Bawden, Times Online (8th May 2007)

    “Steve Connor, a student at City Law School, is a man on a mission. Six years ago he was a fairly directionless 27-year-old. Today, as well as taking the Bar Vocational Course, he is chairman of the National Centre for Domestic Violence, a ground-breaking organisation that he dragged into existence after a friend could not get legal help to protect her from an abusive partner.

    Connor’s route to the Bar has been circuitous. In 2001 he returned from a year in Australia (he says that he would not dignify describing it as a gap year), and took a job as a process server in South London. The job (“I just saw it advertised in the paper”) was not quite as dull as it sounds. On one occasion he was threatened with a machete, on another, he was nearly stabbed by a man he had arranged to meet on Clapham Common to serve with a non-molestation order: “He’d seemed really friendly on the phone…”

    The turning point in his life came when a friend, who was being abused by her partner, turned to him for support. Connor went with her to the police. She did not want to press criminal charges so the police suggested that she visit a solicitor to take out a civil injunction. “We must have seen 12 solicitors in a morning. We just went from one to the next to the next to the next. Everyone was very eager to help until we sat down to fill in the forms for the legal aid means test,” he says. The woman, who had a small child, did not qualify for public funding. But, Connor says, her financial situation as it appeared on paper did not bear any relation to her financial situation in reality. “She had a part-time job and she and her partner owned their home. Yet she didn’t have any money. Her boyfriend was very controlling and controlled all the money; he kept the chequebooks and didn’t let her have access to the bank account.”

    The injustice of the situation got under Connor’s skin. “I just couldn’t believe that there was no help available to people who did not qualify for public funds but could not afford to pay.

    I just kept feeling that this must be able to be sorted if only someone would address it.”That “someone” turned out to be him.

    In 2002, thanks entirely to Connor’s doggedness, the London Centre for Domestic Violence was formed. It started out with him and a friend, but is now a national organisation, covering 27 counties, and has helped approximately 10,000 victims last year to take out injunctions against their partners.

    NCDV now has nine full-time staff, 12 permanent volunteers and has trained over 5000 law and other students as McKenzie Friends to accompany unrepresented victims into court. We have also trained over 8000 police officers in civil remedies available regarding domestic violence. The National Centre for Domestic Violence (NCDV) has branches in London, Guildford and Manchester and is on track to have branches in 16 areas within the next two years.

    NCDV specialises exclusively in domestic violence work and could be characterised as a cross between McDonald’s and Claims Direct. The high degree of specialisation means that its processes are streamlined: clients can be seen quickly and the work is done speedily and cheaply. “Sometimes, we will have one of our trained McKenzie Friends at a court doing 10 applications in one day,” Connor says.

    Clients are not charged for the service. NCDV staff take an initial statement: clients who qualify for legal aid are referred to a local firm; those that don’t get free help from the centre itself. It runs on a shoestring, heavily reliant on volunteers and capping staff salaries at £18,000 a year.

    Steve expects to qualify as a barrister this summer and hopes that having a formal legal qualification will give the centre added clout. “We are already acknowledged as experts and consulted at a high level, so I thought it would be helpful if I could back that up by being able to say I’m a barrister,” he says. He is just about to complete a one-year full-time BVC course at the City Law School (formerly the Inns of Court Law School) and, all being well, should be called to the Bar in July. Although Connor sees his long-term future as a barrister, he says that he has no immediate plans to practise. “I want to get NCDV running on a fully national level. Then I may take a step back and have a career at the Bar.”