We would like like to bring you up to date with a series of recent internal developments leading to an exciting new chapter in NCDV’s history. These are echoed by our move to a brand-new office in Guildford (about which more in our next update).
Mark Groves, our Chief Executive Officer, who joined us way back in 2008, has stepped down to pursue other interests with effect from 30th April.
It is difficult for me to overstate the scale of Mark’s contribution to NCDV, having steered it through both thick and thin to what it has become today – a fully functioning Community Interest Company of almost 100 people. He is also the technical wizard behind most of our current systems and processes.
Our sincerest thanks go to Mark for his exceptional dedication and service and our very best wishes for his future success. Our current management team will now lead and run our organisation.
For those who do not already know them:
Spearheading the development of our national partnerships and media profile is Sharon Bryan. Sharon is a qualified IDVA and has experience of working both front line and strategically across the VAWG sector. Sharon’s development remit encompasses new and existing partnerships with police forces across England and Wales, women’s organisations, prisons and trades unions.
Leading our all-important police and agency training is Charlotte Woodward a qualified IDVA and Perpetrator Manager. Charlotte’s eight strong team trains the police as well as agencies and organisations who work with people affected by domestic abuse across the country.
Behind the scenes Suzanne Collins heads our central First Steps Team and Nunzia D’Apolito our process serving team.
Giving responsibility to our NCDV front line teams is, in my opinion, the very best way of ensuring that we continue to deliver a rapid, efficient and high-quality service to all those who need our services.
Collectively the team has over 60 years experience in this sector.
I look forward to sharing further news of our progress and specific development initiatives in due course.
Jon Chappell, Director NCDV