Please note that this blog was posted over 2 years ago and may no longer be accurate
I am an ex Social Worker, a qualified and professionally credentialed personal and business Coach and I am extensively trained and experienced in Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy. I am successful, happy, grounded and I choose my life with intention and autonomy.
As an expert in psychological process and personal recovery I plan to write and film a series of sessions which will shine a light on the experience of people living through or recovering from domestic abuse. I am doing this in partnership with NCDV, who provide a vital service to those in need of protection by providing a fast and free emergency injunction service regardless of financial circumstances, race, gender or sexual orientation, a service they will continue to innovate to provide.
I understand. I have also experienced horrendous physical and emotional domestic abuse when I was young and isolated by the perpetrator from anyone who loved me.
I won’t detail what I went through. I know you don’t need to read or to know that. What I do very much want you to know is that whenever I mention my experience to anyone at all, they look bewildered and confused and ask me how on earth I allowed this to happen to me. They see me as I am, powerful and present and they see people who are abused as powerless.
My answer is always this, being abused happens in the dark and shame, collusion, secrecy, and an illusion of normalcy grows in this place too.
I know you are powerful too and I know that you may not know how you got into this place because it happened so incrementally and without your explicit knowing or indeed your consent.
I will touch on all the aspects of our relationship with ourselves and others which helped me to move toward how I am today. These include attending to our mental health and resilience, recognising normality, healing well emotionally as well as physically, building self-love and compassion, trusting ourselves and others again, understanding and managing our emotions, managing drugs, alcohol and other addictive substances, understanding ‘good enough’ in parenting, moving away from shame, supporting ourselves physically and emotionally and other aspects of self-love, care and recovery which feel relevant and useful.
For now, I want to leave you with this; ‘Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.’ (Jung). I invite you to read my words and watch my short films as a way of bringing your awareness and understanding of what has happened or is happening for you and / or your loved ones into the light of your conscious awareness. I invite you to give yourself the support, love and care you deserve, and I invite you to get the help you need now and forever. You are important and you deserve all good things.