NCDV ASSIST is an online secure database accessible only by the police 24/7 from which copies of orders and certificates of service can be downloaded and printed. This is the only nationwide database for civil injunctions, accessible from the front page of our website or direct at
Designed, built and maintained by NCDV there is no cost to the police for using this service where 60,000 injunction orders are stored. A record 2,000 orders were downloaded by officers across England in 2017. Recently, the designers and maintainers of the Police National Database, Central Government and Justice (CGI) have recognised the value of ASSIST and have approached us to pursue a capability to include our data in the PND. Some forces have rolled out ASSIST and the NCDV App (the quick and easy way to refer victims) pre-loaded on police devices. Last year NCDV trained over 7,800 police officers on how to use ASSIST, our award winning refer direct website and App, free of charge. For more information on our free police training please contact [email protected] |
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